I’m currently a student at Salt Lake Community College, nearing the end
of my degree in graphic design. I’m originally from PDX but moved to SLC in 2022. I’m still
adjusting to the Utah
Summer heat and not having the ocean within two hours of me. Big Bummer. The quickie
version of me is that I love animals, music, history documentaries, traveling, video games, and
incredible community I’ve found while traveling and attending various EDM
Art and creative expression have always been an integral part of my identity since I was a
child, and I spent my formative years dabbling in a bunch of different artistic avenues
but not limited to: claymation, video editing (my first major in college), greeting card design,
and jewelry-making. The culmination of all of these
efforts was during the Covid-19 Pandemic where I realized that I was most suited for graphic
design work.
From my lens, art and design are at the core of cultural, creative, and emotional expression,
social commentary, and community building. From the micro to the macro, as a designer, I
hope to use my skillset to make a difference in communities that are important to me, the causes
that I’m passionate about, and the products that excite me. Currently, I’m most drawn to
projects related to package design and brand design
as well as one-off projects such as posters, cover art, and sticker design.
I find design inspo in history, vintage design, sociopolitical movements, mental
health, counterculture, thrift shops, music, nature, food, old skool rave flyers, and anything
bold, weird, and silly.